As the saying goes time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.  I can scarcely believe that twelve months have passed since I wrote about how 64% of people have given up on their new year’s resolutions by this time of year. I remember writing top tips not to give up on your goal.  This year like last year my plans for a new me, post the Christmas indulgence have not fared well.  But this year it is by design.   In the run up to the new year I read with interest that the best way to achieve the radical changes we want to see in 2023 and not fail was to not make any new year resolutions - that sounded like a great idea to me.

The principal behind this seemingly lazy approach is however sound, well at least for some people.  It focuses on the fact that dramatic changes to lifestyle are disruptive and hard to keep up. Instead, the secret for many is to implement small, consistent changes.  So don’t fret if the post yuletide diet isn’t going to plan, take it gently and have one less digestive with your coffee while you read the Cherry News. This idea that some people respond well to dramatic sudden changes and others need to take their time, to way up the options and slowly change, is as true when it comes to faith and belief as it is to dieting, changing your fitness routine or giving up that second slice of cake.  I didn’t grow up going to church, and my family were not believers of any sort.  My decision that there must be more to life can be pinned down to a single date in the early 90s. For every person I know that ruled God into or out of their life on a specific date, there will be many more that it was a slower reckoning – less of a big bang revelation and more of a gentle realisation.  If you are on that journey of not knowing but questioning or if you just want to know what those weird Christians believe you may want to try an Alpha course.  

Got Questions – try Alpha!  It’s hard finding the right place and time to discuss the big questions of life.  Alpha is a place where you can do this.  It’s a series of sessions exploringAlpha Mark Red Med 1 edit
the Christian faith, run over 10 weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.  Why not give it a go? Starts 7:30 pm on Wednesday 22nd February at the Vine Centre, The Parade Cherry Willingham. Just turn up, call 01522 872011 or visit our website or social media for more information.  Want to be a bit more anonymous? Alpha courses run all over the country all the time, some even online. Visit to find one.





Here is to a new year and succeeding in whatever change you set out to achieve. For me that means avoiding the digestives.