First be you
Throughout January, I couldn’t help but notice the increased number of cars parked outside the local Gyms and the number of people out for a run, jog or walk. As the New Year fades so do the numbers.
The cold weather and busy lifestyles often get in the way of those “New Year, New Me” resolutions. Changing ourselves is something many of us want to do, but let’s be honest—it takes effort, and it doesn’t always work out when we’re trying to be someone we’re not.
A lot of us look up to others and try to emulate them—celebrities, successful people, or the latest influencer. It’s natural! Admiration, societal pressure, or the hope of achieving the same kind of greater success can lead us to copy their style, habits, or career paths. Social media and glossy magazines don’t help—they present perfect, polished lives that make it easy to compare and feel like we’re falling short.
Even within our families, siblings can set the bar high. Their achievements—whether in school, work, or social circles—can inspire us, or create a sense of pressure that leaves us feeling like we’re not enough.
Here’s the thing though, while looking up to others can be motivating, it’s easy to lose sight of what makes you amazing. Whether you believe in a creator God or simply in the wonder of nature. Take a few moments to reflect. Your body, mind, personality and dreams are unique, complex and miraculous, or as the psalmist phrases it, ‘you are fearfully and wonderfully made’

“Fearfully” doesn’t mean your scary! The Hebrew word, it is translated from means you have been crafted with great respect, honour, and care. “wonderfully” means you have been created in a marvellous, distinct and one-of-a-kind way.
So yes, it’s great to want to lose a few pounds, get fitter, learn a new skill, or land that dream job. But don’t try copying or imitating someone else’s life; do it as you—the unique, incredible person God made you to be. You’re amazing just as you are.